
21 again

Cameron was actually here this morning (unlike last year) but, as he left at 6 for Germany, it wasn’t much of a party. On the other hand, Maggie is more useful than she was last year: she remembered to bring me presents when she woke, and sang to me and everything. She’s a bit put out that I am not having a party (or even a cake bah humbug) but has enjoyed opening my cards.

We had a small celebratory lunch at Borders after swimming, and I have just submitted my tax return a full 3 weeks early! I am so proud of myself (and yes thank you I am quite aware that I could have done it in September but, seriously, 3 weeks before the deadline is hugely progressive for me). Sara is coming for tea (salmon that I am marinating in den miso, and will be cooked just slightly but mostly rare, yum yum) and to help put the children to bed. And, I hope, join me in a celebratory Baileys.

4 Responses to “21 again”

  1. Pewari
    January 10th, 2008 17:42

    OOOO … happy birthday!! 🙂 You should have told me while you were still logged on to MSN.

  2. VP
    January 10th, 2008 19:03

    Happy birthday Lisa! I’ll join you in a celebratory Bailey’s…

  3. Karen
    January 11th, 2008 18:50

    Happy Birthday, as I should have said to you this morning, instead of moaning about my vomiting son.

  4. VP
    January 11th, 2008 21:18

    Hi Lisa,

    Just to let you know I’ve tagged you today in thanks for letting me join in before Christmas!

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