
without leave

I know I’ve been a bit awol but frankly all I can do at the moment is whinge and moan, and I can do that just as well elsewhere! Cameron is away again (that is at least 2 usually 3 often 4 solo bath-and-beds every single week this year so far: fantastic) and Tamsin is teething really badly, with accompanying cold, cough, streaming nose and miserable not-eating-not-sleeping. Maggie has a cold. I have loads of work on. Last night, for example, I spent the evening going upstairs every 30 minutes or so either to resettle sad Tamsin or to help Maggie back into bed (she fell out)/find her a tissue/give her a big optimistic dose of Medised – I finally finished work after 11. Tamsin didn’t really settle properly until I got into bed with her (even then we were up every couple of hours through the night) and when I came downstairs this morning I was confronted with last night’s tea things that the fairies hadn’t dealt with overnight. I am Very fed up.

On the bright side, we had a fun weekend at centerparc and Maggie can swim! She’s not yet 4: I am so very proud I feel quite teary. She doesn’t just do it for us, either, she’s done it at her lessons, which means she is going into the next class after half term. Mixed feelings there – I’ll miss going in with her as I do enjoy it (especially when, as I was explaining that I wouldn’t be going in with her any more, she said but I’ll miss you!) – but the relief at having my Tamsin-care issues solved is quite large.

2 Responses to “without leave”

  1. helen
    February 5th, 2008 08:49

    i really feel for you. i have also recently felt like a single mum and bathtimefor 2 when still breastfeeding is NO FUN. hope things calm dowm for you soon. you are v entitled to be v fed up. hope you get lots of pampering when c around. it doesnt even mean you get a break at weekends though imo as they get so used to it being mum who puts them down to sleep only mum will do. :

  2. VP
    February 6th, 2008 19:39

    I wanted to give you a big hug the first time I read this 🙂

    Brilliant news that Maggie can swim. I believe it’s 1 of the most important things to teach a child to do.

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