

What am I supposed to do with this? It’s Maggie’s First Ever sports day this afternoon: she’s been looking forward to it and practising for it (and quietly worrying what if I don’t win my race?) for weeks. I need to go. Only Tamsin is poorly on the sofa: sore ear, disgusting runny nose, sporadic vomit (though not for a few hours, touch wood). Cameron is in London, where he doesn’t answer his phone – and realistically, even if he did answer his phone (it is a good job it is not a real emergency), he can’t do much from there.

I think I have to bundle T into the buggy and we have to go to sports day. While hoping she doesn’t have anything wildly contagious and that I am not being horribly irresponsible. This is only going to get worse when there are three of them, isn’t it?

In other news, while I am keen that this blog doesn’t become a “cute things about my kids” thing, I have two things to share. The first, Maggie trying to decide what everybody’s hobbies are* – mine, apparently, are knitting, cooking, gardening, and getting things off high shelves.

The second, and this makes me so proud, is this piece of work she brought home from school yesterday. I assume she did it herself in the writing corner, rather than it being a teacher-supervised activity, as it reads: The monsturus** monster had a willey. The pig had a willey. The pig had a wee and a poo. The Watson had a car***.

*It is rather like being back in Japan, where everybody who remembered their school English inquired “what is your hobby?”

**Good use of adjectives.

***No idea.

6 Responses to “Torn”

  1. Rachel
    July 8th, 2009 11:29

    oh goodness, it sounds like a bit of a no win situation. I will keep my fingers crossed that Tamsin does not vom. all over anyone. Do the mums have to do a race? You have a good excuse to get out of that if needed!

  2. Lisa
    July 8th, 2009 11:30

    Blimey I hadn’t even thought of that (well done on coming over here, btw!). I am not running for anybody!

  3. Vic
    July 8th, 2009 11:35

    A trip outside will do T good. Just make sure to take loads of supplies and clean clothes just in case.

  4. Jane
    July 8th, 2009 14:07

    If she does vomit while you’re there, just look all shocked and pretend it was the first time 🙂

  5. Lisa
    July 8th, 2009 14:41

    Oh good thinking Jane! (She didn’t) I should have waited to post this until afterwards, would have made that more convincing 😉

  6. Jason
    July 9th, 2009 13:42

    The monsturus monster had a willey. The pig had a willey. The pig had a wee and a poo. The Watson had a car…

    This is just pure magic!

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